2016 Intentions


"Every time you tear off a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress."
- Charles Kettering
I don't know about you, but I never keep New Year's resolutions. Not a single one. Perhaps, all will go well for a few months or so, and then it's downhill from there. Come December, I would feel rather disappointed in myself. I would beat myself over the broken promises, a sackful of them throughout the years. I hate that. I'm trying to avoid letting myself down like that. It's a painful, painful experience. 

For 2016, I decided to take on a different approach. Instead of resolutions, I'm setting up intentions or a simple bucket list of sorts. Plus, I'll update the list monthly. I want to check my progress or my "un-progress." To make adjustments if needs be. This way, I think at least, I'll know for sure whether or not I'm able to accomplish anything from my list and I'm not waiting until the end of the year to give myself a pat on the back. Good job. 

So far, I came up with the following:
  • Write more. Write everyday. I'm the worst journal keeper. I have all these notebooks and diaries that have been written on only a few days a year. They're stocked on my shelf, unloved and dusty. But, after being inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic, I want to write more, actually chase those ideas and put pen to paper. I start already and created another tumblr account for short musings (apparentlywhatisaid). Let's write, write, write.
  • Learn how to drive. I know, wow! I got into a car accident when I was still learning and I suppose it became such a turnoff. I'm still scared to get behind the wheel, but hey, I'm getting older and it's a very useful skill. With my very busy working schedule, I know I'll have to manage to find a time. Anyone want to volunteer as my instructor? I'll pay in vegan cookies!
  • Sponsor a child or donate more to charities. For years, I've wanted to sponsor a child, especially a young girl, but for one reason or another, I never actually did. For 2016, I want to share any way I can. I recognise that I've been very blessed, with two hardworking parents who made sure that my education isn't neglected and who gave me enough freedom to pursue my interests. I want to give a child that same opportunity, no matter how small. 
  • Try something new. It could be something small to something life changing. Thus far, I want to try a new vegan recipe every month from cookbooks or vegan blogs and I'll post a review here. Sounds feasible enough. There are still so many experience out there that I haven't tried or that I've already tried and had a faint of heart. I don't know how to skate. I have lived in Canada for 10 years and I'm just helpless. Anyone wants to be my coach? 
  • Know my finances well. I mean, I do know my finances, but to be honest, not well enough. I won't give a lot of details here, but I really want to have my eye on my money this year. I save, but I feel like it's not enough. Being an auditor, I should know my cash flows and reconcile. Oy. 
  • Be open to new workouts. Comfort is bliss. Even my yoga practice has remained rather stagnant. I run, practice yoga, do the occasional weights. That's about it. I'm so closed-minded about my workouts and it's getting a bit boring (well, except running... I love running!). In 2015, I did get a membership for hot yoga and it was amazing, but with my upcoming schedule, it's not feasible. I do want to try aerial yoga, even just a few classes. Or salsa classes with my two left feet! I'm down. 
  • Read more. I love reading. You'll find me with a book during my bus ride to work. I reckon I've read more than 50 titles in 2015, but I want to continue this habit. I want to read more because there are still so many wonderful books out there waiting for me to enjoy. Next on my list is When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone. 
That's it for now, I suppose. I'll update accordingly.

P.S. As for 7pm tonight, I became a sponsor of a sweet five year-old girl! #proud
Illustration credit: Anna Rifle Bond

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