Rice Paper Rolls


"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."
- Maya Angelou

We've never really had raw and actually fresh spring rolls as kids. My parents did prepare some sort of "fresh" lumpia, but inevitably, that was false advertising. What made it "fresh" was the fact that the wrapper wasn't deep fried, but no, it wasn't raw at all. 

What a chance that I discovered some rice paper wraps I purchased a while back, but managed to completely forget. See, spring cleaning one's kitchen cupboards can be a blessing in disguise.On that same day, I also just so happened to be particularly lazy. After a rather long run in the morning and then finishing up some work and preparing my meals for the work, can you really blame me if I didn't want to cook an actual home cooked dinner? 

So I heated up some water. I was going to make myself a cuppa anyway. Plugged in my food processor and grated some carrots and beets. Yes, I also decided my biceps didn't need the manual labour. Then sliced up some other veggies and made a sauce. Hey, I ran out of my homemade salad dressing anyway.

See that? It's laziness with all the denial. Laziness is eliminating the majority of manual labour from cooking. Laziness is reducing the amount of pots and pans and dishes to wash after the actual cooking process. Actually, laziness is eliminating the actual cooking process altogether. But that's not really true, is it? There are some raw recipes that require some muscle as well. And no, I'm not calling raw vegans lazy. Don't mind me, I'm just mumbling here. 

So off to the recipe, or lackthereof before I get myself into trouble. 

The majority of people in my family are very good cooks. However, they're not big on recipes. They can just whip up a dish by taste and sight. They feel for the dish and just know when enough of any ingredient has been mixed in. This is really more of a guideline or a giver-of-ideas of sorts when it comes to rice paper wraps because, really, how can you ever go wrong on fresh rice paper wraps?

Lazy Rice Paper Wraps 

  • Rice paper wraps
  • Beets, grated
  • Carrots, grated
  • English cucumbers, cut lengthwise
  • Lettuce
  • Avocado
  • Zucchini, cut lengthwise
Cooked version - Add:
  • Baked or steamed sweet potatoes
  • Grilled tofu
  • Asparagus
  • Corn

In a shallow dish, pour warm water. Then in a separate platter, prep your rice papers. Soak the rice paper for a few seconds in warm water. Place the rice paper after on a platter and begin to assemble the filling. Start with the lettuce and then top with cucumbers, avocado, zucchini. Add shreds of beets and carrots. Make sure not to add too much as you'll end up having difficulty rolling the rice paper properly.  To roll, start with top fold and then the both sides. Then roll with the last end.

Miso-Tahini Dipping Sauce
  • 1/3 cup tahini
  • 1/4 cup miso (white)
  • 1/3-1/2 cup water
  • Ginger, to taste

In a bowl, whisk together all ingredient until smooth.

Hope you like these as much as I do!


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